Sound piece in three movements for modified turntables, electronics, cello and percussion.

SCRATCHING // DERMIS, a sound piece that explores the scratching technique popularized by Hip Hop and Rap musicians in the 80s. Inspired by the words of French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy on the skin as a place of passage and transit (The Fragile Skin of the World, 2021), Rivas evokes a quasi-tactile sound experience. The title plays with the double meaning between scratching and the dermis under the skin, and is divided into three interconnected parts that use improvisation, play and chance to create dynamics, rhythms, atmospheres and textures that explore the uncertain, the alien and the unknown through gesture and musical interpretation. In this Sound Lab, Juanjosé Rivas presents the world premiere of SCRATCHING // DERMIS, a sound piece that explores the scratching technique popularized by Hip Hop and Rap musicians in the 80s. Inspired by the words of French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy on the skin as a place of passage and transit (The Fragile Skin of the World, 2021), Rivas evokes a quasi-tactile sound experience. The title plays with the double meaning between scratching and the dermis beneath the skin, and is divided into three interconnected parts that use improvisation, play and chance to create dynamics, rhythms, atmospheres and textures that explore the uncertain, the alien and the unknown through gesture and musical interpretation.

SCRATCHING // DERMIS Cuando la piel se desprende del cuerpo*
I. Eczema I (Dermatografía)
II. Eczema II (Cuando la piel se hincha)
III. Eczema III (Comezón detrás de las rodillas)
Duración aproximada: 50 minutos

Músicos invitados:
Natalia Pérez Turner / Violonchelo
Milo Tamez / Percusiones

Estreno mundial
Jueves 28 de septiembre 8 pm
Sala Carlos Chávez